Formerly SpringBlog

Thursday, February 3, 2011

h e l v e t i c a

Being iced in on Tuesday meant ENG 213 reading and the exploitation my Netflix Instant account. After the Lupton reading, I found it appropriate to watch a documentary about the typeface Helvetica.

"Music is the space between the notes." -Claude Debussy

Massimo Vignelli (a design god) is interviewed in this documentary and said, "Typography is like music. It's the space between the letters that count." I love that analogy that typography is music, it's essentially visual music. This complimented Lupton's text on spacing,"The typographer's art concerns not only the positive grain of the letterforms, but the negative gaps between and around them." (pg 91).

On page 98, Lupton drives home our culture of impatience. And as I type this, I am constantly thinking about my audience and the interactive/formatting nature of my blog post:
"Web users don't like to read.... They want to keep moving & clicking" -Jakob Neilson

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