If I were to say the word "Stuxnet", what would come to mind? Probably not much, due to the fact that not many people know what this is. But Stuxnet could affect all of our lives at some point.
Stuxnet is a powerful internet worm that is specifically designed to target real-world infrastructure, such as power stations. This worm has attacked some of Iran's power stations over the past ten months and has threatened Iran's nuclear programme. Leading researchers at Symantec are trying to find out the origins of this powerful worm.
After reading this article about the Stuxnet virus, I wouldn't say I feel scared, but it does make you think. It seemed that some of the professionals couldn't decide if it was a sophisticated malware or not. You can read for yourself at http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-12465688.
My question to you all is should we be afraid of major viruses in our near future? As technology advances, so do viruses. But could there be a virus in the making that could affect the world as a whole? It is a thought to ponder. I honestly feel that we should not fret about this subject. I believe that if there is a virus that threatens our technology, that we will overcome it.
Mcluhan said many things in The Media is the Message that really plays into effect today. It was almost as he predicted many things that are really happening in our time. But I wonder if he could have ever guessed that a virus could affect the worlds media? I also wonder what he would think if he was living in today's time and got to witness all of the technology that we have today. Could we be driving ourselves into a "technological trainwreck"? We are consistently growing technology faster and faster but will we grow so large that if something such as a major virus was to occur that it would ruin the way we live as a human race? Should we be afraid?
I think that these are great ideas and you bring up some very serious concerns that most people do not really think about. We have become so reliant on technology so I think that we need to become more aware of the viruses out there that threaten to take it away. You make an excellent point when you say that technology continues to advance, but so do viruses. IF a virus did shut down all sources of technology I really think that the world would go into a frenzy. It would be chaos because people simply do not know how to live anymore without it. We have become so dependent but we fail to realize that it was not too long ago that we did not have all of these crazy inventions like ipads, cell phones, lap tops, and even the internet. I agree that we should not fret about this potential problem and that we could overcome it, but I do think that we need to be aware of how possible and prevalent this scenario really is.