Formerly SpringBlog

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Electronic Literature

I have to say that these pieces of electronic literature were a bit bewildering to me. They seem as though they are made so simply and several seemed to me that they were created circa 1990's.

Out of samples we were recommended to view, I'd have to say that I was partial to Inanimate Alice. The story itself was intriguing, but more than that I appreciated the linearity of the story line. The other samples did a lot of jumping around and were a little complex for my liking. I am not much of an analytical person, so things that are straight-forward and linear in organization are a win in my book.

Carving in Possibilities was definitely a close second for me. The design of clicking or "carving" out the statue of David was made with such creativity. I would have never of thought of something so simple, but complex at the same time. Some of the questions and phrases that were posted on the screen left plenty for the mind to ponder. One question in particular, "When is real real?" struck me as rather convicting.

Aside from the assigned ones, I would recommend  checking out the Star Wars One Word at a Time one. It requires full attention, but definitely worth taking a look at.

I'm interested to see how these forms of digital literacy provoke our classroom discussion tomorrow!

PS- If you watched the Birds video, the 8th bird's "voice" sounded just like Strongbad.

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